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Učitelka Lucie si užila proměnu v salonu Jean Louis David

“Není hezčí pocit, než udělat člověka šťastným, i kdyby to bylo jenom na moment”…říka majitelka salonu Jean Louis David v Praze na Smíchově Andrea.


Majitelka salonu Jean Louis David Andrea si přizvala k ruce ještě vizážistku a stylistku a rozhodly se, že učitelce Lucce otočí život naruby.


Učitelka Lucka přišla do salonu ve svém běžném oblečení, nenalíčená a v účesů, který vlasové odborníky zrovna nenadchnul. Ti se proto rozhodli, že do do něho více zasáhnou. Změnili střih, aby vlasy ozdravili. Při jeho volbě se nechali vést Lucčiným naturelem, tvarem obličeje i zvyklostem v domácí úpravě. Při změně barvy použili techniku 'contrast' a spodní část účesu napigmentovali Glossem (technika pigmentů a olejů, která nepoškodí vlasy a dodá jim lesk, navíc se nevymývá a nezanechává odrosty) tak, aby vynikly kontrasty barev a zároveň aby sjednotili množství odstínů nanesených už dříve do vlasů.

Vlasy byly ošetřeny přípravky z řady Oil Therapy od Jean Louis Davida (šampon, maska a olejíček), které prameny vyživily arganovým olejem, výtažky z jojoby a datlí a zanechaly pak účes lehounký a nezatížený.

Make-up artistka Markéta jednoduchým a velice efektním líčením značky Guerlain sjednotila Lucčin tón pleti, zdůraznila její krásné veliké oči a zajímavé kontury tváře.

Stylistka Marianna ve spolupráci s butikem ICON, Praha 1 vybrala pro Lucku dva outfity, oba jednoduché, v městském stylu (“urban woman” je ta, která nejlépe vystihuje styl Jean Louis Davida), vhodné do práce, i na volný čas.

Lucka byla proměnou pozitivně zaskočena a počáteční obavy s kterými do salonu vešla vystřídal nádherný úsměv a obrovské překvapení!

Odborníci ze salonu Jean Louis David i ze značky Guerlainu Lucce doporučili vhodné ošetřovaní pleti i nejlepší péči o vlasy a obdarovali ji vhodnými produkty.




A Chat With Andrea Hornackova – Jean Louis David Salon Prague


“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” – Confucius. Or in this case, choose to reinvent yourself, work hard, surround yourself with your passions and watch the world as it smiles with you. This is an interview Andrea Hornackova, owner of the first Jean Louis David hair salon in Prague.

Andrea’s story is one that is an inspiration to both men and woman craving that long hearted change in life. For isn’t an abundant life a continual reinvention? This is even more pronounced when it comes to the beauty industry; where often the human desire to nurture oneself can lead the heart from one feeling to the next.

After spending her primary years educating and constantly pushing herself for more, Andrea left her stable job with the European Commission to live her childhood dream of working in the hairdressing industry. She is now the owner of the number one prestige hairdressing chain in Europe, Jean Louis David. I sat down with her at the beautiful JLD location located at Elisky Peskove, one of Prague’s most vibrant and cosmopolitan neighborhoods.

KIS: What is your background?

A: It’s like a girl’s dream, when I was smaller, I always dreaming that I would become a hairdresser. At that time, it was not a fancy job, so I followed the advice of my family and got a degree in international relations and diplomacy. I did quite well in my career in Brussels but I was never fully happy. I had a career and children but something in my heart said it was not enough.

In fact, I was a client so Jean Louis David or “JLD” in Brussels for 7 years. I then moved back to Bratislava in Slovakia. I was looking for a hairdresser and I could not find anybody very good; I was never satisfied. After one year, just going through the streets, I discovered JLD. I went in, got my hair done, and I was super surprised, because although it is a franchise, they gave me great service, which was what I was looking for. I then became a client of Jean Marie Paquier, the master franchiser of three countries in Europe. I changed jobs in Bratislava a couple times, but I was always thinking I would eventually move back to Brussels as I kept my contract there for the EU Commission.

One day, I had a bad period in my life, I lost my last job and I broke my hand. It was really bad, and I went to get my hair done. Typical woman! What does she do when things are bad? Get her hair done! I started talking to Jean Marie because he as the master franchiser guided the franchiser who just opened a new salon in Budapest. I was asking him questions on how things were going and I asked: “What about Prague?” And he said that he was actually looking for a business partner. I said, “Wait, I may be able to do that.” At that time, I had no money, and no background in finance but I knew it was it and I had to go for it.

KIS: What was that?

A: It was like, this is it, this is it, and it’s the sixth sense of a woman. “Yes this is it, it could make me happy!” This could make me happy. It’s what I wanted all my life. Because I wanted to work with people in a nice environment and I wanted it to be a little bit classy. I also wanted to work with beautiful things and help people feel better. So really, I told him I would start to look for financial help, and let him know. Then I found some money, I went back to Jean Marie and I said ok, we start with that. In July, I went to Prague to find a property, which is appropriate for a salon. As a franchise there are many conditions to fulfill. For example the location needs to have big windows and it needs to be in a place where people walk around. So I was looking in Smichov, because it is a good quarter, many expats, especially French people. I found this place it was magic, it was a historical building. Jean Marie saw the pictures, came with me to Prague and agreed that it was the perfect place for the salon.


KIS: What are some of the most interesting and hardest parts of the salon business?

A: The hardest is that we didn’t make a PR, we just opened the salon. We are just looking how things go. Now I started with PR, but when we began December 9th, before holidays, it was a slower period. I was a little afraid for the number of customers but then I was surprised because we had been working for 15 days and we already had over 100 clients. Some of them have even sent friends and family over, so it is really growing nicely now. The nice part is that we have started to become a neighborhood salon. Everyone that comes here has an office around the corner or lives in the neighborhood. People know us, tell us about themselves and we are able to get to know our clients better.

KIS: What can we learn about JLD in Prague?

A: JLD around the world works without an appointment, and people here in Slovakia and the Czech Republic are not used to that, so we are educating people that they don’t have to wait. We have a great client management system too, a know-how which is approved around the world.


KIS: JLD is a top chain in France. It is actually the best salon in France. What are the most popular services?

A:  It’s not just the service, but we offer a new collection twice per year. We present the collection in March and September in Paris. It’s similar to the haute couture fashion week collections. We have the trend and new fashion styles for the cut and coloring trends; we present a lifestyle concept. The previous name of the collection was “Rock My City.” It’s quite beautiful. After each collection, we change the windows, posters, and the products. So we did right now for the new collection “Backstage” which has a touch and taste of the beautiful 70´s. JLD has its own product line too. For the service, everyone that comes here says they like it here and that we have a super friendly atmosphere. We work as a team, there is no competition between the hairdressers, they feel good at the salon and they appreciate the professional approach. People are coming back, we want recurring clients, but we love when someone comes back regularly.

KIS: How have you grown through satisfying your clients and growing the salon?

A: I am really, finally starting to feel satisfied. I am a very unsatisfied person in general. I am always trying to push myself further.  But things are different, I am excited to go the salon – it’s not like going to the office every day. Or the feeling, of sometimes waking up on Sundays or Mondays when we are closed, and thinking oh really, no work? It’s not that I am a workaholic but I just feel like my salon is like my home. So that is the most important for me, and that is what makes me satisfied.


KIS: When JLD started he had a vision; he took a risk, he become passionate and successful. Is JLD’s vision and spirit here with you every day?

A: I think everyone who has a franchise or master franchiser, has to really grow with the brand and has to believe in the philosophy of JLD. It is everyone, whether it is an owner, manager, of chef d’equipe, everybody has to believe in what he or she is doing, and has to be as passionate as JLD was. What I found really amazing was that JLD even invented his own cutting technique. I don’t know if you know, but also cut the women’s hair with a machine (the base of course) and some people are afraid of that. It’s great, not scary because it is very precise technique, and enables the salon to provide perfect service in a short time period. You are able to manage lots of clients and make them satisfied. That was the aim of JLD.

KIS: What kind of advice would you give to women who are looking for a change?

A: I was thinking about the change for years but I never had the feeling of “This is it!” I used to give lectures on business etiquette and diplomacy but it still was not it. And you know many people think about change but are not sure that means to them, meaning the right time has not come yet. With me, one day I woke up and I was sure that even though I had only a 100 Euros in my bank account, I knew I will open a salon. It costs me a lot of money and energy, and I started to manage two lives, one in Slovakia and one in Prague and two children, but then you feel like this is it, then you go for it. So I think if someone is not sure, that means the right time has not come yet. The right time and the right objective comes you know it.

 KIS: How do you keep it sexy?

A: For the time being, I am the only woman in the salon, so some might say it’s not very difficult to keep it sexy… But what I really want for the salon and for the guys who work here is to stay elegant, classy and that everyone has their hair done. People are dressed in black and white – that is true JLD style. And me, I try to be a manager all in black, elegant and feminine. I am always finding something with a special touch in my wardrobe to wear at the salon. And well…my hair is very special too…of course made by JLD…

KIS:  Where is JLD Prague in a couple years?

A: I hope we will be successful. I am not superstitious, but some say don’t say out loud, but if we are successful, my next small dream is open another JLD in Prague, because me and Jean Marie, think Prague has the potential for more.  If it all goes well, in two or three years, and we keep our perfect service, good people and spirit, it may work out. On the other hand, one of the difficulties of this business is finding the right people who are really motivated and are able to change what they know for their own good. We teach people, we train people with new and fresh techniques. We search for people with an open mind and a passion for something new.

KIS: Do you think it is possible to stop learning?

A: For me, it is learning new things that are technical, new languages, a new job, I think when you stop learning you are dead. Life is boring.

KIS:  Do you have a role model?

A: I don’t have a role model because I push myself and my mother always pushed me further. What is certainly a motivation are my children. I wanted to show them a mother who is happy. It is important to show a good example to the kids, that if you really want something, you get it. You have to work hard for it, but you can get it, and you can be happy.


KIS: What is your favorite book?

A: My favorite book is The Little Prince of Antoine de Saint Exupéry.  It’s a book I love. In fact, when I was 16, I played a little prince in the theatre in Bratislava because it made me really understand relationship dynamics between people, how difficult we can be sometimes, but how simple things can be if we don’t make them more difficult ourselves. That’s also my life approach: no gossip, no betrayal, just talking straight with everybody whoever that is. Always talking straight, always polite, always listening to people, have your heart open and it might pay off one day.

KIS: Well this salon is beautiful so I am very proud of you. Thank you for your time.

A: Thank you!

